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The ConversationDr Heather Cameron-Whytock

It’s hard to ignore the power and beauty of a horse when it runs at full throttle or jumps over a massive hurdle.

This much loved and gentle animal is a spectacular athlete, capable of running world record speeds of almost 44 miles per hour and gravity-defying leaps as high as 2.47 metres. They have impressive stamina too – some breeds, such as Arabians, are able to cover up to 100 miles in a single day during endurance competitions.

These are astounding feats, made all the more amazing when you consider that they weigh from 400-800kg.

Compared to other similarly sized mammals, horses have a superior ability to use oxygen – their aerobic capacity is around two and half times that of cattle, and this is a large part of what gives equines their athletic edge.


Elite performance horses: why they’re supreme athletes – and how to train them ethically